Aug 31, 2020

Peach Frappuccino (ピーチフラペチーノ)

 Starbucks Coffee near Kamakura railroad station, Kamakura, Japan.

Peach Frappuccino...

Enjoyed the iced blended coffee drink while a temporary break in Kamakura... very nice!!

Aug 26, 2020

Bouillabaisse (ブイヤベース)

 I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Chateau Ducasse Bordeaux Blanc from France.


Bouillabaisse... yummy!
魚介類のエキスで激旨! オリーブにハーブも入って濃厚だし、アイオリソースが添えられていて本格的!

It goes well with an elegant fruity white wine...


Aug 25, 2020

Fried mashed potatoes (コロッケ)

I had lunch at a restaurant “つばめグリル" near Ofuna railroad station, Kamakura today.

Fried mashed potatoes and sauvignon blanc... yummy!



Aug 23, 2020

Mackerel and veggie cooked in miso (鯖味噌煮のサラダ)

 My homemade dish called "Mackerel and veggie cooked in miso".

Recipe : 3 serving

150 grams miso-simmered mackerel... 出来合いの鯖味噌煮缶を使います
1/2 onion sliced
1/2 broccoli
1 tomato
2 tsp. sesame oil
1 tbs. mayonnaise for dressing if you like
bunch parsley and/or basil
(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Rub the sliced onion with a little salt... draining off water and softening
2. Parboil the broccoli and cut into small pieces
3. Chop the tomato
4. Mix ingredients
5. Dish up parsley and basil.

Spicy minced pork salad (ラープムー)

 My homemade dish called "Spicy minced pork salad".
(注)ラオス、タイイサーン地方の料理で、larb (ラープ)とは肉サラダのことで mu (ムー)が豚のこと

Recipe : 3 serving

1 tbs. rice
200 grams minced pork
1/4 red onion sliced・・・紫玉葱
1/4 cups green onions sliced
1/4 cups coriander・・・パクチー。ミントなんかを加えても良い
1 tbs. lemon juice・・・正式にはライム汁
1 tbs. nam pla (fish sauce)
pinch chili pepper・・・アジメコショウが好み(あれば)
1/2 tsp. chicken stock (consomme)
1/2 tsp. sugar
bunch parsley and/or basil
fresh lettuce
(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Heat rice in a frying pan... stir-fry till it comes to golden color
2. Heat 3 tbs. water and consomme in a frying pan. Once it comes to a boil, add minced pork and stir-fry.
3. Add onions, rice and seasoning (Nam pla, lemon juice, chili pepper and sugar) to a fried minced pork.
4. Arrange stir-fried minced pork on a plate.
5. Dish up coriander, lettuce, parsley and basil.

Aug 19, 2020

Takoyaki and highball #2 (タコとハイボール その2)

 I stopped at a tachinomi, Japanese standing bar near Fujisawa railroad station yesterday.

Takoyaki and highball, whiskey and soda...

Hot takoyaki and cold highball...
熱々のタコ焼きに冷え冷えのハイボール・・・ちょっとひっかけていく人でいっぱいです!! ダブルチーズでもって、この店のメニューにあるすべてのタコ焼きを食しました。メニューに載っている15品と季節の特別メニュー3品の計18品です。


Pork stew with white wine (豚の白ワイン煮込み)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Funaro Rosato Nero d'Avola from Sicily, Italy.


Pork stew with white wine... yummy!

It goes well with an elegant fruity white wine...


Aug 14, 2020

Kusatsu hot springs (草津温泉紀行)

I was in Kusatsu hot springs, Gunma to get enough rest (Aug. 11 - 13) in the summer holiday season in Japan.

An ekiben (box lunch) eaten on a local train for Kusatsu... 「だるま弁当」

Meals at a hot spring hotel in Kusatsu town, Gumma.

Breakfast special at a B&B (bed & breakfast) in Kusatsu on April 12... 近くのペンションのモーニングサービス...

I made a visit to a shrine on April 13...

A local train between Kusatsu and Takasaki... there was hardly anyone on the train... Go To トラベル キャンペーンの期間中だというのに旅行客が我々以外にいないという・・・国を挙げて旅行しろと言ってんのにどうなっているんですかね・・・

高崎駅の蕎麦屋さん・・・ Soba noodles for lunch at Takasaki railroad station...

Aug 10, 2020

Shrimp Fried Rice (海老炒飯)

My homemade dish called "Shrimp Fried Rice".

Recipe : 3 serving

450 grams pre-cooked rice
30 grams dried shrimp 中華食材の干し海老がグッド
suitable amount of green onion chopped 青ねぎスライスとして売られているもの
1 garlic clove finely chopped
suitable amount of ginger finely chopped
bunch parsley and/or basil
1 tsp. sake
3 grams chicken stock (consomme)
1 tbs. sesame oil

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan... Add garlic, onion and ginger and stir-fry.
2. Once they come to soften and color add rice and shrimp and stir-fry.
3. Add seasoning (sake, consomme) and stir-fry.
4. Arrange stir-fried rice on a plate.
5. Dish up parsley and basil.


Aug 7, 2020

Bagel sandwich (ベーグルサンド)

 My homemade dish called "Bagel sandwich".

Recipe : 1 serving
1 bagel plain
1 egg
suitable amount of lettuce or cabbage
1 sliced cheese
tomato sliced
hamburger steak if you like
cucumber sliced
1 tbs. Worcestershire sauce
1 tbs. tomato ketchup
1 tbs. mayonnaise
(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

No directions for cooking...




Aug 5, 2020

Fried mashed potatoes (コロッケ)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Pinot Bianco from Italy.

Fried mashed potatoes, ground mackerel and ginger... yummy!

It goes well with an elegant fruity white wine...



ランチの後、町田の元同僚の家でレコード鑑賞会・・・飲み物はもちろん街角グラスで買った"Pinot Grigio Garganega"

Aug 2, 2020

Field Day Contest 2020

I had fun in Field Day Contest at my radio shack in Kamakura on Aug. 1 and 2. 
I ended up with 50 QSOs. 
I was running about 1-50W with homebrew antennas... hahaha. All set-up was mobile radio equipment. It worked well, but there were not many participants in the contest due to self-restraint against coronavirus infection.

Low points...

G5RV for 20m and 6m
GP for 2m
3-ele Yagi for 70cm
5-ele Yagi for 23cm
All antennas are made by myself...
Entry category: XS

A QSO rate was extremely dull because of small population and weaker radios...

