Nov 27, 2021

Beef Stroganoff (ビーフストロガノフ)

   My homemade dish called "Beef Stroganoff".

Recipe : 3 servings
200 grams beef steak thinly sliced・・・サーロインがお薦めらしいがバラ肉薄切りで充分
1/2 onion sliced・・・短冊状に切る
1 cup beef broth・・・固形スープの素1個+水(湯)
1.5 tbs. Worcestershire sauce
1 clove garlic minced
1 tbs. all-purpose flour
1 tbs. vegetable oil
20 grams butter
9 brown mushrooms thinly sliced
100 grams whipping cream・・・生クリーム
100 grams sour cream・・・サワークリーム
pinch salt and pepper

green onion sliced
steamy rice
egg noodles

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Place a large pan over medium-high heat. Add oil and cook beef strips until just browned. Remove beef to a plate.
2. Add butter, onion and mushrooms and saute them until soft and lightly browned.
3. Add garlic and saute until fragrant. Add flour and stir constantly.
4. Pour in beef broth and then add whipping cream and simmer until slightly thickened.
5. Add sour cream to the pan while stirring constantly.
6. Stir in Worcestershire sauce and season with salt and pepper and continue simmering until sauce is creamy.
7. Add beef back to the pan and simmer until beef is heated through.

 Beef Stroganoff by Natasha Kravchuk


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