Feb 25, 2020

Smoked mackerel on the grill(スモーク鯖のグリル)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Invivo Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand.

Smoked mackerel cooked on the grill with potato and onion containing balsamic butter sauce... yummy!!!!!

White wine made from sauvignon blanc goes well with smoked mackerel to have a good appetite... 


Feb 23, 2020

Kanda Shrine (神田明神)

Kanda Shrine is a Shinto shrine located near Akihabara in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan.

The torii faced to National Highway Route 17.

Due to the proximity of the Kanda Shrine to Akihabara, the shrine has become a mecca for technophiles who frequent Akihabara...

The main gate, Zuishin-mon (隋神門), the entrance to Kanda Shrine.

The Honden, the main shrine building.

Kanda Shrine is a popular place for businessmen and entrepreneurs to pray for wealth and prosperity.  And also the shrine is said to be talented in business LOL...

The shrine has big buildings for business.

QSO with JS1YCP (秋葉原無線部) at 秋葉原UDX in Akihabara, Tokyo

Ramble about AKIHABARA (秋葉原オールジャンル同人即売会=秋コレ) was held at Akiba Square (秋葉原UDX 2F) in Akihabara, Tokyo today.

Fortunately, contacted with JS1YCP (秋葉原無線部) set at Akiba Square on 70cm (
430MHz) FM... thanks for QSO !!!

Soba noodles with nori, seaweed (海苔そば)

I had lunch at Tokyo Food Bar in Akihabara station in Tokyo today.

Soba noodles with nori, seaweed... yummy!

A light meal in the railway station for busy people...


Feb 21, 2020

A get-together at a wine bar in Machida, Tokyo

I was going to join a get-together at a wine bar "街角グラス" in Machida, Tokyo last night.

Bottles of wine at the bar...

Damien Hugot Extra Brut Millesime 2012
ダミアン・ウーゴ ヴィンテージ シャンパン

Custoza Superiore 2016

Montefalco Rosso 2016

Delicious dishes and wine...

We are former colleagues of mine from the same company.

We had the very good time at the bar... thank you all !!

Feb 18, 2020

Beefsteak (ステーキひろのビーフステーキ)

I had lunch at a famous steak house near Odakyu-Sagamihara station on the way back home from the National Hospital today.

Salad and wine...

Beefsteak (150g)...

The degree of cooking is "rare" unless otherwise specified... shorter cooking times retain more juice...
I like the stake house the most around Odakyu-Sagamihara...


Feb 13, 2020

Kamakura Hasedera temple (長谷観音)

Today it is nice weather and I have been to Hasedera temple ( The Goddess of Mercy of Hase ) for a while.

The plum blossoms at the garden are at their best now.

View from Hasedera-temple.

Very beautiful weather, blossoms and scenery... !!



Feb 12, 2020

Bouillabaisse (ブイヤベース)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Castello di Monastero Chianti Classico from Tuscany (Toscana), Italy.

Bouillabaisse... a French-style stew containing seafood and vegetables.

Seafood and vegetables produce a good quality broth with a rich flavor... yummy!!


Feb 4, 2020

Borscht (ボルシチ)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
491 House Machida, Japanese wine and Moulin de Gassac Merlot from France.

Borscht... yummy !!

It goes well with a smooth red wine... yummy !!


Feb 2, 2020

A get-together at an Udon restaurant in Kamakura

昨日、鎌倉小町の和Cafe & ぎゃらりー伊砂で神田阿久鯉さんの講談会があって、約一時間半の長丁場の講談を満喫した後、有志が集まって鎌倉小町の鎌倉うどんダイニング「波音」で飲み会がありました。
A professional kodan storyteller, Akuri Kanda was performing storytelling at a cafe in Kamakura yesterday.
The kodan was followed by a get-together at an udon restaurant in Kamakura.

A full course dinner...

