My homemade dish called "Kofte".
Recipe : 3 servings
250 grams minced meat (beef, lamb or mutton)・・・合い挽き肉で可
1/2 onion finely chopped
1 clove garlic finely chopped
3 tbs. bread crumb・・・パン粉
1 egg beaten
8 grams seasoning・・・クミン、チリパウダー、オレガノ、パプリカを混ぜたものでタコス用かジャンバラヤ用のシーズニングで代用できます
8 grams butter
To garnish
tomato, pepper (ししとう)... etc
(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)
Directions :
1. Prepare sliced onion, sliced garlic and bread crumb in a bowl.
2. Add in the minced meat, egg, butter and seasoning.
3. Mix ingredients to combine well.
4. Shape the mixture into flat round patties.
5. Heat a pan and place patties in it and cook over medium heat.
6. Flip every kofte several times while cooking.