Oct 9, 2021

Mexican Chicken and Rice (メキシカンチキンライス)

 My homemade dish called "Mexican Chicken and Rice".

Recipe : 3 servings
200 grams chicken breast cut into bite size pieces・・・鶏胸肉
1/2 onion diced finely
1 green pepper・・・本当は青唐辛子なんだけどピーマン、ししとうでも可
1 clove garlic minced
2 cups cooked rice・・・茶碗軽く2杯
pinch salt and black pepper・・・ハーブソルトがお薦め
400 grams diced tomatoes・・・カットトマト缶
3 grams chicken broth mix・・・顆粒チキンスープの素
8 grams tacos seasoning・・・ジャンバラヤ用でも可、クミン他が入っていればOK
2 tbs. olive oil

melting cheese

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions : 
1. In a large pan, saute garlic, green pepper and onions in one tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat.
2. Season chicken with salt and pepper.
3. Once onions soften, increase the heat to medium high and add chicken to the pan.
4. Brown the chicken pieces, push chicken to one side of the pan and add additional tablespoon of olive oil to other side.
5. Add the cooked rice in the olive oil and saute it for a couple of minutes.
6. Add diced tomatoes and seasonings and stir to combine. Bring the mixture to a boil then lower the heat to simmer and cover the pan with a lid.
7. Cook the chicken and rice mixture about 15 minutes.
8. Sprinkle cheese on top and cover with a lid, letting it sit for few minutes until cheese has melted.
9. Top with desired toppings.


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