Oct 31, 2019

Japanese omelette sandwich(たまごサンド)

I stopped at a Japanese café for coffee in Kamakura today.

(注)鎌倉小町にある 和cafe & ぎゃらりー 伊砂・・・オーナー夫妻が私と同じ京都出身で、我々と同年代で、ちょっと小粋な店です。和服、伝統的な調度品、三味線なんかに興味がある人にはお勧めですが、それ以外の人は馴染めないかも?。

Japanese omelette sandwich and coffee...



Oct 29, 2019

Curry and rice topped with grilled vegetables (グリル野菜カレー)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad... and Bogle Vineyards chardonnay from California.
(注)ボーグル ヴィンヤーズ シャルドネ・・・リッチでまろやかなカリフォルニア産の白ワイン。余韻が長く、何にでも合うとされている。

Curry and rice topped with grilled vegetables... It has an elegance and yummy!!

It goes with Bogle vineyards chardonnay with rich and elegant tastes... yummy!!


Oct 27, 2019

Dinner at an Italian restaurant "Saizeria" in Chofu, Tokyo

I had dinner at an Italian restaurant in Chofu, Tokyo last night...


Chianti... red wine from Italy.

Appetizer, pizza and hamburger steak...


Mitaka Open House Day 2019 in National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (国立天文台特別公開)

I went to Mitaka Open House Day in National Astronomical Observatory of Japan yesterday.

Mitaka Virtual Reality in 4D2U Dome Theater (S4)

Reception of Broadcasting Satellite signal

Gravitational-wave astronomy (N5)


Solar Flare Telescope (W9)

Subaru Telescope 20th Anniversary


Oct 22, 2019

Scallop and root vegetables gratin (グラタン)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Carl Sittmann Oppenheimer Krotenbrunnen QbA from Germany.
(注)カールジットマン オッペンハイマー クレーテンブルンネン QbA はブレンドものの甘口で口当たりの良い白ワインです。

Scallop and root vegetables gratin... hot and mild taste... yummy!!

It goes well with a smooth white wine... yummy!!


Oct 19, 2019

The 5th anniversary of the restaurant "街角グラス" in Machida, Tokyo

It is the 5th anniversary of the restaurant "街角グラス" in Machida opening.
I had lunch at the restaurant serves wine and grills today.
Appetizer and Cote du Danube Chardonnay from Bulgaria.
前菜とブルガリア産白ワインでコート・デュ・ダニューブ シャルドネ・・・前菜は鰻とマンゴーのトレビス包みでちょっと変わっていて面白い

Grilled venison steak with red wine sauce... And Riserva Mazon Pinot Nero from Italy.

I had fun at the wonderful delightful lunch... I hope we will have another anniversary from next year too !


Lunch special with soba noodles (そばランチ)

I had lunch at a restaurant in Minami, Sagamihara today.
Lunch special with soba noodles... yummy!!


Oct 15, 2019

Chicken thigh ballotine (鶏モモ肉のバロティーヌ)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad... and Villa Galasso Premium from Italy.

Chicken thigh ballotine with chestnut risotto... yummy!!

It goes well with a smooth medium bodied red wine... yummy!!


Oct 14, 2019

All City All Gun Contest 2019

I had fun in All City All Gun Contest at my radio shack in Kamakura on Oct. 12 and 13. 
I ended up with 51 QSOs. 
I was running about 50W into a homebrew antenna "Stealthy G5RV". All set-up was mobile radio equipment. It worked well, but there were not many participants in the contest due to the typhoon
(note) high winds and heavy rain in typhoon attack... however, my G5RV has no influence by typhoon.

Low points...
G5RV for 40m, 20m and 6m
GP for 2m
Whip for 70cm and 23cm
Entry category: XS


A QSO rate was extremely dull because of the bad weather condition...


Oct 11, 2019

My high school class reunion (高校の同期会)

I attended my high school class reunion to renew old friendship in Yugawara hot spring resort on Oct. 9 and 10.

The president of the hot-spring hotel is my classmate at the school in Kyoto.

A rich banquet with geisha girls, we were 18 in all...

Beautiful geisha girls...

Delicious dishes...

Fruity wine... Belstar Prosecco and Luberon Blanc.

Karaoke after the banquet...

