Oct 31, 2020

Namul (ナムル)

 My homemade dish called "Namul"

Recipe : 3 servings
200 grams bean sprouts・・・もやし
1 carrot sliced
1/4 Chinese cabbage sliced・・・白菜で4枚ぐらいが目安・・・米国では nappa cabbage(菜っ葉キャベツ)と言うようです
1 bunch spinach sliced・・・小松菜でも可
2 tbs. soy sauce・・・白だし、麺つゆでも可
1 tbs. vinegar
3 grams chicken stock (consomme)
1 tbs. sesame oil
1 garlic clove finely chopped

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

No direction for cooking

Oct 29, 2020

Baked Mashed Pumpkin (カボチャコロッケ)

 My homemade dish called "Baked Mashed Pumpkin".

(注)フライパンで焼くのを "Baked" 油で揚げるのを "Fried" と言う・・・普通一般のコロッケは "Fried Mashed Potato" と言う

Recipe : 3 servings
1/4 pumpkin (450 grams)
6 tbs. bread crumbs・・・panko (パン粉)
1 tsp. soy sauce or pinch salt
1 tbs. sake
pinch black pepper
1.5 tbs olive oil

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Heat pumpkin in a microwave oven in 4-5 min.
2. Hollowed out to make mashed pumpkin with sake
3. Heat olive oil in a frying pan... add bread crumbs and stir-fry till it comes to color
4. Dip the mashed pumpkin in bread crumbs
5. Dish up lettuce or radish sprout and so on if you like.

Tomato Dip Sauce
1 tomato chopped
1/6 onion chopped
1 green pepper chopped・・・ピーマン
1 tsp. lemon juice
pinch salt and black pepper

Oct 27, 2020

Galantine (ガランティーヌ)

  I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Ilocki Podrumi Grasevina from Croatia.

Galantine... yummy!

I like it for it's simplicity... fruity and elegant... yummy !!


Oct 24, 2020

Chinese Omelette (中華オムレツ)

 My homemade dish called "Chinese Omelette"

Recipe : 3 servings
3 eggs
15 grams kiriboshi daikon radish・・・水に10分浸し戻す
1/2 green onion (Japanese leek) chopped
3 tbs. whitebait・・・しらす又はちりめんじゃこ
suitable amount dried shrimp・・・干し海老又は桜海老
suitable amount shiitake mushroom and bonito flakes・・・出汁
1 tbs. olive oil
1 tbs. sesame oil
1 tsp. soy sauce

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan... add daikon radish, onion, whitebait with soy sauce and stir-fry till they come to soften.
2. Beat eggs in a bowl and add ingredients.
3. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and pour the egg mixture into the pan.


Oct 20, 2020

Grilled Sea Bream Fillet (真鯛のグリル)

 I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Terra Noble Chardonnay from Chile.

Grilled Sea Bream Fillet... yummy!

Very balanced in flavor and long finish... yummy !!


Oct 18, 2020

Vegetable stir fry with saury (サンマの野菜炒め)

 My homemade dish called "Vegetable stir fry with saury"

Recipe : 3 servings
300grams bean sprout, cabbage, carrot, green pepper mixed in advance
1 can saury・・・さんまの蒲焼缶1缶分
1 garlic clove finely chopped
2 small red pepper coarsely chopped
2 small yellow pepper coarsely chopped
1/2 bunch shimeji mushroom
pinch chili red pepper (あじめ胡椒が私の好み)
1 tbs. olive oil
2 tbs. ponzu soy sauce

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

No directions for cooking...

Oct 16, 2020

Seafood Omelet with Shrimp and Asari clam (シーフードオムレツ)

 My homemade dish called "Seafood Omelet with Shrimp and Asari clam"

Recipe : 3 servings
3 eggs
1 tbs. canning liquid of canned asari clam・・・あさり水煮缶の缶汁
60 grams raw shrimp peeled and deveined・・・冷凍むき海老が便利
1 canned asari clam・・・あさり水煮缶(50g)
1 red pepper coarsely chopped 
1 garlic clove finely chopped
1/4 lime or lemon・・・スダチでも可
pinch pepper (あじめ胡椒が私の好み)
bunch parsley and/or basil
1 tbs. olive oil

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Heat olive oil in a frying pan... add garlic... shrimp, clam, pepper and stir-fry till they come to color.
2. Pour in egg mixture with canning liquid and put the lid on the pan and cook it.
3. Finally add lime and dish up parsley.

Grilled Saury (さんまの蒲焼)

My homemade dish called "Grilled Saury".

Recipe : 1 serving
1 canned saury・・・さんまの蒲焼缶1缶分
suitable amount grated daikon radish・・・大根おろし
1 green shiso leaf finely sliced・・・大葉(青じそ)
1/4 citrus sudachi or lime・・・レモン代用可

No directions for cooking...


Oct 13, 2020

Grilled Spanish Mackerel (鰆のグリル)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Auxey-Duresses blanc from Bourgogne, France.
And Grilled Spanish Mackerel... yummy!

Enjoying a traditional Bourgogne rich white wine... fresh and fruity !!
(注)ムルソー (Meursault) に接する地域なのでワインの質や味は似ています・・・ちなみにブドウはシャルドネです


Oct 12, 2020

Minestrone (ミネストローネ)

 My homemade dish called "Minestrone".

Recipe : 3 servings
1 small potato chopped・・・1cm角
1/2 carrot chopped・・・1cm角
1/2 onion chopped・・・1cm角
suitable amount cabbage chopped
200 grams can chopped tomatoes・・・カットトマト缶半分
3 grams chicken stock (consomme) + 250ml water
1 garlic clove finely chopped
pinch black pepper
1 tbs. olive oil

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Heat olive oil in a frying pan... add garlic, potato, carrot, onion, cabbage and stir-fry till they come to soften.
2. Add tomatoes, consomme and simmer in 20 min. 


Mackerel Stew in Tomato Sauce (鯖のトマト煮込み)

 My homemade dish called "Mackerel Stew in Tomato Sauce".

Recipe : 3 servings
190 grams canned mackerel・・・鯖水煮缶1缶分
1/2 onion sliced
1 garlic clove finely chopped
9 cherry tomatoes・・・ミニトマト
suitable amount broccoli
200 grams can chopped tomatoes・・・カットトマト缶半分
suitable amount black olives sliced
pinch black pepper
1 tbs. olive oil

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Heat olive oil in a frying pan... add garlic, onion and stir-fry till they come to color.
2. Add mackerel, tomatoes, broccoli, black olives and simmer in 5 min. 
3. Finally add cherry tomatoes and sprinkle with black pepper and stir-fry.
4. Dish up parsley if you like.


Oct 9, 2020

Gumbo (ガンボ)

My homemade dish called "Gumbo".


Recipe : 3 servings
150 grams chicken thigh・・・鶏もも肉切り身(小口)
70 grams shrimp・・・冷凍むきエビが使いやすい
1-2 sausage(s) quarter sliced・・・銀杏切り、wiener, frankfurter, fish どれでも可
1 celery chopped
1/2 onion chopped
1 small green pepper coarsely chopped
1 small red pepper coarsely chopped
1 small yellow pepper coarsely chopped
1 garlic clove finely chopped
8 okra round slices・・・1cm輪切り
400 grams can chopped tomatoes・・・カットトマト缶
1.5 tbs. Worcestershire sauce・・・ウスターソース
3 grams chicken stock (consomme) + 1-2 cup(s) water
2 tsp. spice mix・・・ケイジャンスパイス、タコス用スパイス等米国南部で使われている
pinch black pepper
pinch chili red pepper
1 tbs. olive oil

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Heat olive oil in a frying pan... add garlic, onion and chicken and stir-fry till they come to color.
2. Add celery, peppers and stir-fry. 
3. Add sausage, okra and tomatoes and stir-fry in 10min.
4. Add shrimp, consomme and 1-2 cups of water... simmer in 20min. 
5. Adjust the taste with Worcestershire sauce at the end.



Oct 6, 2020

The 6th anniversary of the restaurant "街角グラス" in Machida, Tokyo

It is the 6th anniversary of the restaurant "街角グラス" in Machida opening.
I had lunch at the restaurant serves wine and grills today.
The first drink... Cava Funambul brut from Spain.

Salad and Kusunoki Winery Delaware Orange from Nagano, Japan.

Beef steak and Faiveley Mercurey 1er Cru Clos des Myglands Monopole from Bourgogne, France.

I had fun at the wonderful delightful lunch... I hope we will have another anniversary next year too !


Oct 4, 2020

Jambalaya (ジャンバラヤ)

  My homemade dish called "Jambalaya".


Recipe : 3 servings
450 grams pre-cooked rice・・・ご飯1杯は150g
200 grams chicken thigh・・・鶏もも肉切り身(小口)
3 sausages quarter sliced・・・銀杏切り、wiener, frankfurter, fish どれでも可
1/2 onion chopped
1 small green pepper coarsely chopped
1 small red pepper coarsely chopped
1 small yellow pepper coarsely chopped
1 garlic clove finely chopped
suitable amount dried shrimp and asari cram・・・中華干し海老、あさり水煮缶で可
3 tbs. ketchup (tomato sauce) 
3 grams chicken stock (consomme) 
3 tsp. spice mix・・・ケイジャンスパイス、タコス用スパイス等米国南部で使われている
pinch black pepper
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 tbs. and 1 tsp. olive oil
bunch parsley

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Heat 1 tbs. olive oil in a frying pan... add garlic, sausages, onion and peppers and stir-fry till they come to soften.
2. Add rice, shrimp and cram and stir-fry. 
3. Add ketchup, consomme and spice mix and stir-fry.
4. Heat another tsp. olive oil in a frying pan... add chicken and stir-fry till it come to color.
5. All mixed and dish up parsley.

Oct 1, 2020

Spicy Tofu Scramble (スクランブル豆腐)

 My homemade dish called "Spicy Tofu Scramble".

(注)Vegan (ビーガン:肉、魚はおろか卵、乳製品も食べない人達)の為にスクランブルエッグの代替に考えられた料理でスパイスで味付けし新鮮野菜を加えたものが多い

Recipe : 3 servings
350 grams silken tofu
1/2 onion sliced
1 garlic clove finely chopped
1 small tomato six pieces
fresh green, yellow and red peppers sliced
1 avocado sliced
2 tbs. olive oil
3 tsp. spice mix for tacos・・・これがキモ(必要なスパイス全部入り)

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Heat 1 tbs. olive oil in a frying pan... add garlic and stir-fry till it comes to soften
2. place tomato pieces on the pan and fry them in the garlic oil until they soften. 
3. Heat another tbs. olive oil and fry onions and peppers until softened.
4. Add a block of silken tofu and break it into small pieces.
5. Sprinkle with spice mix and stir-fry.
6. Add tomatoes.

塩(black salt かherb salt)は入っていませんが、スパイスだけで充分美味しいです。酸味が好みの場合はサルサソースを付けるのが良いみたいです。

Lunch special with oden (大船おでんセンターのまんぷく定食)

I had lunch at an oden restaurant in ofuna, Kamakura today.

(note) Oden is a traditional Japanese stew

Lunch special with oden... yummy !!



Deep-fried oysters (牡蠣フライ)

   I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Michel Caillot Meursault from Bourgogne, France.

(注)ミシェル・カイヨ ムルソー はフランス・ブルゴーニュ産のシャルドネ種の白ワインで、フルーティであっさりしていて飲みやすく魚介類とよく合います。

Deep-fried oysters... yummy!

It goes well with a fruity elegant white wine...
