Sep 25, 2021

Miso Mayo Chicken

   My homemade dish called "Miso mayo Chicken".

Recipe : 3 servings
300 grams chicken breast・・・鶏胸肉
1 tomato
suitable amount shredded cabbage・・・キャベツミックス等のサラダ
3 tbs. brown miso
3 tbs. Japanese mayonnaise
1 tbs. sweet sake
1 tbs. canola oil

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions : 
1. Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces.
2. Put miso and Japanese mayonnaise in a bowl and mix well.
3. Add chickens in the bowl. Mix well and marinate for 10 min.
4. Heat the frying pan and place all the chicken breast.
5. Put the lid and slowly cook until the chicken gets brown color.
6. Turn over the chicken and cook through.



Sep 22, 2021

Prawn Curry (海老カレー)

   I had lunch at a restaurant under COVID-19 state of emergency in Machida.

Prawn Curry... yummy!

I was staying away from drinking... lunch without wine... drinking at restaurants is strictly prohibited...



Sep 18, 2021

Eggplant Parmigiana (パルミジャーナ)

  My homemade dish called "Eggplant Parmigiana".

Recipe : 3 servings
3 eggplants cut into quarters lengthwise・・・四等分に切っておく
2 chili red peppers sliced
1/4 onion finely chopped
1 clove garlic finely chopped
400 grams diced tomatoes・・・カットトマト缶
200 grams ground pork
9 mushrooms
1 rosemary
suitable amount basil
50 ml white wine
4 sliced melting cheese
suitable amount salt・・・ハーブソルト
suitable amount black pepper
3  tbs. olive oil・・・一杯は薬味用、二杯が茄子用

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions : YouTube参考にしてください
Baked Aubergine Parmigiana ・・・aubergine : 仏語で茄子のこと


Sep 17, 2021

Grilled Sea Bream (真鯛のグリルとガルム)

   I had lunch at a restaurant under COVID-19 state of emergency in Machida.

Grilled Sea Bream with Vietnamese Pho and Garum flavor... yummy!
(注)Garum (ガルム):Fish sauce (魚醬)

I was staying away from drinking... lunch without wine... drinking at restaurants is strictly prohibited...


Sep 11, 2021

Shish Kebab (シシカバブ)

    My homemade dish called "Shish Kebab".

Recipe : 3 servings
300 grams minced meat (beef, lamb or mutton)・・・合い挽き肉で可
4 green peppers finely chopped・・・ししとうなら4個、ピーマンなら2個
1/2 red bell pepper finely chopped・・・赤パプリカ
2 cloves garlic finely chopped
1 red chili pepper finely chopped・・・赤唐辛子
8 grams seasoning・・・クミン、チリパウダー、パプリカ等を混ぜたものでタコス用かジャンバラヤ用のシーズニングで代用できます(試してないけど、チキンやラム肉用のシーズニングも合うのかもしれない?)

To garnish
tortilla, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, pepper (ししとう等)... etc

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Put meat into a big bowl and add all ingredients and mix them all together.
2. Put the mixture on the shish or the wooden stick.
3. Heat a large pan over medium heat and put the shish with the mixture on the pan. Normally the shish would never touch the pan.
4. Turn the shish over several times until well cooked. 



Sep 7, 2021

Grilled Chicken (鶏のグリルとシャリアピン)

   I had lunch at a restaurant under COVID-19 state of emergency in Machida.

Grilled Chicken with Chaliapin Sauce... yummy!

I was staying away from drinking... lunch without wine... drinking at restaurants is strictly prohibited...


Sep 4, 2021

Teriyaki Eggplant (茄子ステーキ)

  My homemade dish called "Teriyaki Eggplant".

Recipe : 3 servings
3 eggplants halved lengthwise・・・縦半分に切っておく
2 tbs. olive oil

*** seasoning ***
3 tsp. soy sauce
3 tsp. sake
1.5 tsp. sweet sake
1.5 tsp. sugar
1 clove garlic grated
10 grams butter... optional

*** toppings ***
green onion cut into small pieces・・・小口ネギ
perilla (shiso) minced・・・大葉(紫蘇)
bonito flakes・・・鰹節
red pickled ginger・・・紅生姜

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. 茄子を縦半分に切る。格子状に切れ込みを入れ灰汁抜きする。水をペーパーで拭き取る。
2. フライパンにオリーブオイルを中火で熱する。切口を下にして3分、裏返して更に2分焼く。
3. 火を止め調味料を加え煮絡める。


Sep 1, 2021

Fish Cutlet with Tapenade Sauce (鮮魚のコートレットとタプナード)

   I had lunch at a restaurant under COVID-19 state of emergency in Machida.

Fish Cutlet with Tapenade Sauce... yummy!

I was staying away from drinking... lunch without wine... drinking at restaurants is strictly prohibited...


Sea Bream Poêlé with Pesto alla Trapanese (真鯛のポワレ トラパネーゼ仕立て)

   I had lunch at a restaurant under COVID-19 state of emergency in Machida.

Sea Bream Poêlé with Pesto alla Trapanese... yummy!

I was staying away from drinking... lunch without wine... drinking at restaurants is strictly prohibited...
