Sep 4, 2021

Teriyaki Eggplant Rice Bowl (茄子ステーキ丼)

  My homemade dish called "Teriyaki Eggplant Rice Bowl".

Recipe : 3 servings
6 eggplants halved lengthwise・・・縦半分に切っておく
suitable amount potato starch・・・片栗粉
1/2 onion finely chopped
1 clove garlic finely chopped
5  tbs. sesame oil

*** seasoning ***
4 tbs. sake
6 tbs. sweet sake
2 tbs. soy sauce
16 grams butter

*** toppings ***
3 eggs
suitable amount green onion cut into small pieces・・・小口ネギ
suitable amount bonito flakes・・・鰹節
suitable amount red pickled ginger・・・紅生姜

(注)tbs.=table spoon (大さじ) tsp.=tea spoon (小さじ)

Directions :
1. Boil water in a deep pan, add eggs and boil in 7 min... 7分間茹でて冷水で冷やす
2. Make 5 mm diagonal notches in grid patterns on eggplant surfaces... 斜め5mm幅の格子状切れ込み
3. Sprinkle potato starch on the cross sections of the eggplants.
4. Heat sesame oil in a large pan over high heat, add in the eggplants and cook until well cooked. Set them aside.
5. Heat butter in a large pan over medium heat, add in the onion and the garlic. When they are fragrant and colored, add the seasoning and stir them well over high heat.
6. Finally add the cooked eggplants and mix the seasoning well.



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