Nov 28, 2017

Grilled Spanish mackerel with olive oil and bread crumbs(サワラのオリーブパン粉焼き)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad and Sol Negru Chardonnay 2012 from Moldova.

(注)ソル ネグル シャルドネは、モルドバ産のエレガントでフルーティな風味の白ワインです。

Grilled Spanish mackerel with olive oil and bread crumbs... vegetables and tomato sauce.

Sol Negru makes a good feeling by the superb matching of sweet turnip, sour tasting tomato sauce and salty Spanish mackerel in a good balance... yummy!!


Nov 21, 2017

Stewed navy beans and salt pork(塩豚と白いんげん豆の煮込み)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad and Dolcetto d'Alba from Italy.

(注)ドルチェット・ダルバは、イタリア ピエモンテ州アルバ産ドルチェット種のフルボディのルビー色の赤ワインです。フルーティで適度なタンニンを持ちながらソフトな口当たりです。

Stewed navy beans and salt pork.

It goes with full bodied red wine of Dolccet d'Alba... yummy!!
豚肉の旨味と白いんげん豆の甘味の相性は抜群。両方のエキスが出た出汁はたまらなく美味いです! これに、フルボディの赤ワインが味をバッチシしめてくれますね!!。


Nov 19, 2017

All Japan Microwave Meeting 2017

I went to All Japan Microwave Meeting at a building called "全国家電会館" in Yushima, Tokyo today.

The agenda for the meeting...

The lecture by JA0RUZ... "High-Definition Television D-ATV on 5.7GHz"

The lecture by JA3CVF... "Tools for Microwave and Millimeter-wave"

The lecture by JA1SYK... "DATV using SDR"

The lecture by JA8CMY... "TRV on millimeter-wave and SSB on sub millimeter-wave"

The lecture by JA1OGZ... "Measuring spurious from radio sets"

I was excited from start to finish about the high-level lectures in the meeting.
アマチュアにしてはかなりハイレベルと思う講演ばっかしだった(プロがやらない領域?・・・金儲けにならない趣味の領域?ですね)。ここでも、デジタル化とモジュール化が進んでいますね~ 自作の時代が復活か?(モジュールを組み合わせて、ソフトでコントロールする・・・5.7GHzなんかモジュール一発で出ちゃいますから・・・)5.7GHzがホビイストに乗っ取られるんじゃないかと言っていましたが、まさにその通りの状況が出現してますね・・・

Roast Pigeon (Pigeon Rôti 鳩のロースト)

I had dinner at a restaurant in Kamakura last night.
Moma Trebbiano Chardonnay Rubicone and Giomè Appellation Valtenesi from Italy.

Marinated sardine 鰯のマリネ

Salad サラダ

Risotto alla Milanese サフランリゾット

Roast Pigeon (Pigeon Rôti) 鳩のロースト


Wine and dishes are very delicious... yummy!!

Nov 14, 2017

Sauteed smoked mackerel(スモーク鯖のソテー)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad and Albastrele Merlot from Moldova.


Sauteed smoked mackerel with red wine sauce.

It goes with light bodied red wine of Albastrele Merlot to match colors... yummy!!


Nov 13, 2017

A flamenco show at a restaurant "街角グラス" in Machida, Tokyo

I had dinner, enjoying the flamenco at a restaurant "街角グラス" in Machida last night.
Tapas (prosciutto cotto, bruschetta and pear fritter)... Spanish cuisine appetizer and Cruzcampo, Spanish beer.

All-you-can-drink wine...
Sorteo Bull Fight Tinto and Sorteo Scissors Blanco from Spain.

Spanish cheese (cabrales, manchego etc...) to go with white wine...

A meat dish to go with red wine...

And the main event... the flamenco part 1...

A main dish... Grilled hamburg steak of lamb.

The flamenco part 2...


The finale was especially wonderful... all participants were dancing.

Commemorative pictures...
Just for me... hahaha

For all participants...

Prosciutto after dinner...

I'm looking forward to meeting them again in the near future.

We had a good time enjoying Spanish foods, wine and the flamenco!!


Nov 12, 2017

A class reunion of the 11th students of St. Viator Rakusei high school in Kyoto

A class reunion of the 11th students of St. Viator Rakusei high school in Kyoto was held at a Japanese cuisine restaurant in Shinagawa Prince Hotel last evening.

We were holding a banquet party...

And karaoke...


We hope to meet these members again next year.