Jun 28, 2018

Crunchy Roll

I had lunch at an American style sushi restaurant near Odakyu-Sagamihara station in Sagamihara  today. It is located along Kanagawa Prefecture Route 51.

Special American Sushi Roll...
Crunchy Roll... made with shrimp tempura, avocado, cucumber, flying fish roe, eel sauce... yuuuummyyyy!!
海老天ロール(米国名 Crunchy Roll)・・・
これは、人気の寿司ロールで・・・特徴は、海老天が入っていて、天かすが寿司の上にちりばめてある。この天かすがcrunchy(サクサク、パリパリ)なのだそうで、米国の人にはすご~く珍しいのだそうです。そして、もう一つの特徴が煮つめ・・・穴子の上にかかっているあのタレです(米国名 eel sauce)・・・この甘辛いソースのおかげで、醤油をつけて食べる必要がなく、すご~く美味いです! サクサク、パリパリした食感がなかなか良いです!・・・変わっていて美味すぎる!!!

I will be there again in the near future...


Jun 26, 2018


I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad... and Batch 84 from Australia.
(注)Batch 84は、オーストラリア産カベルネソーヴィニヨン種100%の濃い色調のフルボディの赤ワイン。スパイシーな香りとフルーティーな渋みで長い余韻が特徴。

Cassoulet containing meat (bacon and chicken) and white beans... it is a rich and slow-cooked dish... very yummy!!
And it goes with full bodied red wine... yummy!!



Jun 25, 2018

Lily Pickin' Party 2018... Bluegrass music concert

I went to a public hall in Midori, Yokohama to listen to bluegrass music yesterday.

The curtain rose at 12:45...

Odawara bluegrass circle... 小田原BG研究会

Honey Nights

River the shuffle

J project band


Country rabbits

River of time

Ozaki brothers & friends

Ash grove

The briars


The finale... ended at 17 pm.

The hall was full (about 500 people) and there was an air of excitement in the hall. I will be there next time, too... June, 2019!!

Roncaine sui lieviti Menti and Nero D'Avola 2008

I had dinner at "Trattoria Fossetta (フォセッタ)" in Kamakura the night before last.
Roncaie sui lieviti Menti from Veneto, Italy and Nero D'Avola 2008 from Sicily, Italy.
(注)ロンカイエ スイ リエーヴィティ メンティ・・・イタリアヴェネト州産の知る人ぞ知る人気の微発泡白ワインです。辛口で、癖になる清らかな旨味が特徴。

Marinated sardine 鰯のマリネ

Zucchini fritter ズッキーニのフリット

Salad サラダ

Venus clams steamed in white wine すだれ貝の白ワイン蒸し

Risotto with snow crab ズワイガニのリゾット

Wine and dishes are very delicious... yummy!!

Jun 24, 2018

Sightseeing around Kamakura with OK1HH

I went to sightseeing in Kamakura with OK1HH, Franta and his friend from Czech and had lunch at a Japanese cafe restaurant near JR Kamakura station.

Japanese omelet and rice with young sardines...

And matcha green tea and sweets...

A commemorative photo with the Great Buddha of Kamakura...

Hydrangeas in a garden about the Great Buddha... very beautiful!!

We were quite satisfied with the sightseeing in Kamakura !!!

Jun 19, 2018

Grilled pork loin (豚ロースのグリル)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad... and Domaine La Vista Grains Mêlés Rouge from France.

Grilled pork loin with balsamic chili sauce... it is amazing and fantastic... has a sour and spicy taste with slightly sweet-sour.

It goes with medium bodied red wine... yummy!!


Jun 18, 2018

All Asian DX Contest CW 2018

I had fun in All Asian DX Contest CW at my second radio shack in Kamakura on June 17. 
I ended up with 36 QSOs. 
I was running about 50W into a homebrew L-shaped antenna for 40m (not inverted L). All set-up was mobile radio equipment. It worked well, but propagation was poor and I only contacted with some big guns... haha

My old ICOM IC-706 mkII and a straight key...

Entry category: SOABLP

Jun 14, 2018

Spider Roll

I had lunch at an American style sushi restaurant near Odakyu-Sagamihara station in Sagamihara  today. It is located along Kanagawa Prefecture Route 51.

Tempura on a skewer...
Fried sweet potatoes "beni-azuma" on a stick and fried Japanese thick omelet on a stick... yummy!!
先ずは串天から・・・紅あずまと厚焼玉子・・・なかなかいけますね! 紅あずま、サツマイモの良く聞く品種ですが、天ぷらに最適な品種として知られていて食感がとても良いです。厚焼玉子、これは予想外の美味さ、玉子が天ぷらに合うとは、、天つゆとも相性抜群・・・ちょっとしたつまみにいいです(これ、他ではなかなか味わえないと思う)。

Special American Sushi Roll...
Spider Roll... made with soft shell crab, avocado, cucumber, gobo roots, radish sprouts, flying fish roe... yuuuummyyyy!!
これ、あまり出ないんだそうだけど、名前が良くないですね・・・特徴は、ソフトシェルクラブが入っていて実はすご~く美味いんです! シャキシャキ、パリパリした食感がなかなか良いです!・・・変わっていて美味すぎる!!!

I will be there again in the near future...


Jun 12, 2018

Chuck roll and cheese piccata(牛肩ロースとチーズのピカタ)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad... and Domaine La Vista Grains Mêlés Rouge from France.

Chuck roll and cheese piccata with vegetables and balsamic sauce... piccata is an Italian word, it means "sauteed and served in a sauce"... has a sour and spicy taste... very delicious... and also goes with medium bodied red wine ... yummy!!
